Redefining the 'Natural' in 'Natural Gas'
The ‘natural’ in ‘natural gas’ helps remind us how this fossil fuel was formed, which required a series of events that took place over a matter of millions of years.
Do You Follow Proper Protocol?
Recognized as the timeliest and most cost effective solution, freight shipping is seen as more of a necessity than an option now-a-days; but that doesn’t mean that taking this route comes without disadvantages.
When Meter Adapters Meet Meter Standardization
Do you remember, just a decade ago, when every cell phone type seemed to have its own charger to go with it?
From Dinosaurs to Fossil Fuels
Since the year 1,000 B.C., civilization has been taking advantage of the many benefits natural gas provides to our everyday lives.
When Rust Strikes
You know the rust that clings to all your favorite things, such as your bike, car, or maybe even the swingset?
Meter Tampering: Picking the Pockets of Honest Customers
It’s common knowledge that if you want access to a public utility’s service on your property, then you are required to pay for it.
Taking the Headache Out of Gas Meter Change-Outs
For utility companies, having to shut off access to gas for one reason or another is a headache when working on a building that contains more than one gas meter, such as apartments.
CISBOT: Changing Gas Pipeline Repair Forever
Humanity has an ongoing fear that the Robot Apocalypse is fast approaching.
Why is Forecasting Important?
Forecasting is the act of predicting or estimating a customer’s needs over a period of time.
Traceability: New Times, New Technology
The future is here and it’s tagged with improvements.